Not much action takes place in this chapter. Except Pearl’s impressive discovery as to why Dimmesdale keeps a hand on his heart. She mimics her mother by wearing the letter A on her bosom the only difference being its green. Moreover, Hester’s repetition of her hatred towards Chillingworth proves that she has now chosen whose side she’s really on. Hester also realizes that she cannot yet reveal the truth to Pearl.

“What does the letter mean, mother?—and why dost thou wear it?—and why does the minister keep his hand over his heart?”

“What shall I say?” thought Hester to herself. “No! If this be the price of the child's sympathy, I cannot pay it.”

Pearl’s persistent questioning puts Hester into thought that its time maybe Pearl should know the truth, but then something pulls her back.I wonder when and how Pearl will get to know the truth. I love how Hawthorne leaves a cliff hanger at the end of every chapter

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Rida Syed.